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Radiant Shapes 1.1.3: A Set of Graphical FireMonkey Controls for FMX UI Development


3-1.1.3. Heat. The heat component of the tetrahedron representsheat energy above the minimum level necessary to release fuel vapors andcause ignition. Heat is commonly defined in terms of intensity or heatingrate (Btu/sec or kilowatts) or as the total heat energy received over time(Btu or kilojoules). In a fire, heat produces fuel vapors, causes ignition,and promotes fire growth and flame spread by maintaining a continuous cycleof fuel production and ignition.

Radiant Shapes 1.1.3

3-2.3. Radiation. Radiation is the transfer of heat energy froma hot surface to a cooler surface by electromagnetic waves without an interveningmedium. For example, the heat energy from the sun is radiated to earth throughthe vacuum of space. Radiant energy can be transferred only by line-of-sightand will be reduced or blocked by intervening materials. Intervening materialsdo not necessarily block all radiant heat. For example, radiant heat isreduced on the order of 50 percent by some glazing materials.

The rate of radiant heat transfer is strongly related to a differencein the fourth power of the absolute temperature of the radiator and thetarget. At high temperatures, small increases in the temperature differenceresult in a massive increase in the radiant energy transfer. Doubling theabsolute temperature of the hotter item without changing the temperatureof the colder item results in a 16-fold increase in radiation between thetwo objects. (See Figure 3-2.3.)

Filament means that part of the light source or light emitting element(s), such as a resistive element, the excited portion of a specific mixture of gases under pressure, or any part of other energy conversion sources, that generates radiant energy which can be seen.

S6.1.1.3 Truck tractor rear turn signal lamps. A truck tractor need not be equipped with turn signal lamps mounted on the rear if the turn signal lamps installed at or near the front are of double face construction and are located such that they meet the photometric requirements for double faced turn signal lamps specified in Footnote 6 of Table VII.

S10. If the light sources are horizontally disposed about the vertical centerline, the distance between the closest edges of the effective projected luminous lens area in front of the light sources must not be greater than 200 mm.

S10. Each graduation must indicate a linear movement of the scale indicator of not less than 0.05 in (1.27 mm) if a direct reading analog indicator is used. If a remote reading indicator is provided, it must represent the actual aim movement in a clear, understandable format.

S14. Abrasion test procedure. The pad is cycled back and forth (1 cycle) for 11 cycles at 4 0.8 in (10 2 cm) per second over at least 80% of the lens surface, including all the area between the upper and lower aiming pads, but not including lens trim rings and edges. A pivot must be used if it is required to follow the contour of the lens.

S14. The voltage to the bulbs at C-D of Figure 22 is adjusted to 12.8 volts (or 6.4 volts) with the flasher shorted out by an effective shunt resistance not to exceed 0.005 ohms. The load current is adjusted by simultaneously adjusting trimmer resistors, R.

Diamond cuts and diamond shapes are not the same, a diamond must be cut to make a shape, but while the shape is basically the overall geometry or form of the diamond (round, square, etc.), the cut refers to facets and proportions.

The most popular shape is the round brilliant diamond that is cut with 57 facets. When the culet is flattened into a facet, a round diamond will have 58 facets. Other shapes are usually referred to as fancy shapes.

The impeccable round brilliant cut diamond is the classic and most popular of diamond shapes, famed for its sharp corners and triangular facets that bring out the most brilliance, fire, and sparkle of all the shapes. It is the most open to the maximization of the light display.

When clarity and color are equal, a round diamond will have greater worth than the other shapes. This is the diamond undoubtedly most recognized for its magnificence and splendor. Diamond shapes other than the round brilliant are called fancy shapes or fancy cuts

Chic and sophisticated, this magnificent shaped diamond is a beautiful blend of the Oval and Marquise shapes, it has soft rounded edges on top and the definitive point on the bottom. It combines the soft, rounded-end of an Oval shape with the sharp, tapered point of a Marquise-cut. An interesting choice for the multi-faceted personality.

The emerald cut, beautiful and precise, gives the emerald shape a timeless, elegant look, differing from the modern sparkle of other Brilliant diamond shapes. It makes up for the lack of brilliance by the crystal clarity of its vast, open table. This makes it important that it should maintain a higher quality of color and clarity.

The radiant cut is relatively scarce and appeals to those seeking a unique look and appreciates the sparkling brilliance of round diamonds and the individual symmetry of the emerald shape will find the radiant a wonderful blend of both. Its trimmed corners are the signature characteristic of this shape.

While there are many different cuts of diamonds and different diamond shapes for engagement rings, many are set with princess cut diamonds, but the majority are set with a round cut diamond, and the traditional shape, a round brilliant diamond.

The best diamond cut is the brilliant-cut. The impeccable brilliant cut makes its sparkle, fire, and maximum diamond brilliance the best possible. Diamond shapes that use a modified version of the brilliant-cut are referred to as modified brilliant cuts.

The archetypical brilliant cut is the round brilliant cut, the most open to the maximization of the light display. Diamond shapes other than the round brilliant are referred to as fancy shapes or fancy cuts.

As with photon therapy, the biological effects of charged particle beams increase with (absorbed) radiation dose. Because charged particles interact with tissues in different ways than photons, the same amount of radiation can have more pronounced biologic effects (result in greater cellular damage) when delivered as charged particles. The relative biological effectiveness (RBE) is the ratio of the dose required to produce a specific biological effect with Co-60 photons (reference radiation), to the charged particle dose that is required to achieve the same biological effect. The (general) RBE of protons is approximately 1.1.3 Heavier particles can have different RBE and dose distribution characteristics. For example, carbon ions were reported to have an RBE around 3 in several tissues and experiments.4

Broiling works by transferring extremely high heat onto food, usually directed from a radiant located above the food which cooks on one side at a time. Browning can occur very quickly with this method, sealing juices and flavor inside and leaving a crisp exterior. Because this cooking method is fast, it's helpful to use a timer or check the doneness so foods don't become burnt or overcooked. In commercial kitchens, broiling can be performed with a salamander or broiler oven.

Grilling is similar to broiling, in that it uses radiant heat to cook foods quickly. Most commonly, grilling equipment will feature an open grate with a heat source located beneath the food. Flipping is required to cook foods on both sides and grill marks from the hot grate or rack are desirable.

Flexural-torsional buckling can be described as a combination of bending and twisting response of a member in compression. Such a deflection mode must be considered for design purposes. This mostly occurs in columns with "open" cross-sections and hence have a low torsional stiffness, such as channels, structural tees, double-angle shapes, and equal-leg single angles. Circular cross sections do not experience such a mode of buckling. 2ff7e9595c

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